Students get together – 2018

On January 25, 2018, SKP OCD students’ meet was held at Carmel Ashram, Chittattumukku, Trivandrum. Blessed with fine whether and lovely atmosphere over 86 students gathered together under the guidance of formatters from different communities.
Very Rev. Fr. Provincial offered Holy Mass for the whole students at Carmel Ashram in open auditorium. The chief guest of the inaugural function was Rev. Sr. Mary CCR. In this function Fr. Provincial unveiled the new directory and the Jersey of the students gathering. He also distributed the prize for the students for their high academic excellence.
Dr. K. Gireesh, Assistant professor of clinical psychology in medical college, Trivandrum was invited as the resource person of the day. In the evening of the day various cultural programmes were performed by the students of different stages of formation. Fr. Provincial distributed the prize for winners of volley ball competition. Bro. David gave the vote of thanks for all those who have participated and cooperated for the success of this event.