The visit of Fr. General and definitors to the South Kerala Province of St. Joseph’s OCD

Rev. Fr. General Saverio cannistrà and his definitors made a fraternal visit to our province on 15th february 2019 after the extra ordinary definitory in Goa. Fr. Provincial and Councillors warmly welcomed them and shared the table with them. They visited our institutions and different houses and planted the trees in memory of their visit. In the evening we presented a documentary on the history of our province and thereafter had a interacting section with them to share our experience with them. We all praised God with the solemn vespers and thereafter with a solemn dinner. Rev. Sr. Shanthi, the mother general of MSST congregation was also there to bless the moment. The next day morning Fr. General and definitors went to the cloiser carmel and thereafter to bethsaida.